Page 11 - MY Book - My Voice
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relation to books at all. In this workshops the goal is to reintroduce the book, but in another way, as a tool for personal expression.Artists’ books are works of art that utilize the features of the book. They are often published in small editions, or they can be produced as one-of-a-kind objects. The book is intended as a work of art in itself. Artists’ books can be made in a wide range of forms, including scrolls, fold-outs, concertinas or loose items placed in a box. One may use original art works or printed materials. Artists’ books are made for a variety of reasons. They are often created to make art that is interactive, portable, and easily shared.WorkshopsDuring the workshops, the participants will express themselves visually and through creative writing, and then create Artists’ books. The workshops don’t require any former experience in arts and visual means. The idea is that everyone has a need to express themselves one way or the other. The complexity levelof the workshops is adjusted to the participants and groups attending. To the workshops, I bring photosof artwork made by other artists to study, and we use photos as reference when we draw. We also use di erent drawing tools and experience the di erent tools’ strengths and the di erent energy of expression they give when used.The workshops in general are mainly focusing on visual qualities and premises. They also give opportunity to the participants who wish also to express themselves in writing. The visual and thewritten expressions can complement each other. Text can stimulate imagination and train the ability to nd inner images. Images can give associations and start a re ective process, oral, or by writing. To stimulate and motivate creative writing we will do exercises based on playing with words, rhythm, rhyme and associations. This will help getting rid of the habit of routine thinking and make us dare to listen to ourselves. Some participants will wish to tell stories directly, others might express them more indirectly or completely visual.At the end of the workshop, the participants collect their art work and create their own personal book. We will then use di erent book binding techniques according to the participant’s abilities, time, and the number of available sta that can assist if the participants are young. The book is a documentation of the process, and a possibility to share ones written and visual expressions with the rest of the group or others.How can artistic skills and practice play a role inmental wellbeing?The aim of the project is to stimulate re ection, curiosity and the joy of creating by giving the participants skills and to facilitate communication through visual means and processes. The aim is to get hands-on experience in working in a creative and open process.Creativity and self-con denceIn an artistic process, there is no formula, no right or wrong, but many choices to make. The choices you make are based on knowledge, ability, and an artistic/creative way of thinking, experience and hard work.9