Page 55 - MY Book - My Voice
P. 55
Eritrea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Nigeria and many other countries.Hvalstad – a reception center for unaccompaniedminorsThe youth coming to my workshops, are between 15 and 17 years old. They have just arrived in Norway after a long journey. They have been travelling for months; sometimes they have been on the move for years, on their own.Those coming from Africa, have travelled through the Sahara Desert on the back of a truck on their way to Libya. From Libya, they have crossed the Mediterranean Sea in a boat to Italy, a sea journey that can last for many days.The Afghans have often walked through steep mountain-areas and boarded small rubber boats whenthey reached the coast of Turkey. From Turkey, they cross over to a Greek island before they continue their journey by ferry, on foot and with bus and train.Everyone has seen people die on the way, fallen of the truck in the desert or drowned in the sea. They have been abused by smugglers, and have been hungry and afraid. When they reach Norway, they are relieved, but exhausted and confused, and they are anxious about whether they will get the permission to stay or not.In this situation, it is important to create a safe and including space where the youth can feel welcome. If we can help the youth to maintain hope in this rst period, it will a ect how they manage to start their next long journey: building a new life in Norway.In a group with several di erent languages, we communicate mainly visually. I demonstrate drawing53