Page 56 - MY Book - My Voice
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techniques and di erent expressions by drawing on the black- or whiteboard, giving visual examples. We do joint warming-up drawings, sometimes these exercises  lls the whole workshop time.Sometimes we focus on mixing colors. We use red, blue and yellow, and the participants explore how to create a great number of varieties of colors.Some days we focus on the narrative in the drawings. I tell my own stories, by drawing on the whiteboard, to get them started. The participants draw, according to their ability, their own memories and experiences, under my guidance. Sometimes they also write.Some participants are genuinely interested in developing their drawing skills, or they have a story important to them to tell. In these cases, I have been able to do individual guidance, and some of the stories have been told through the creation of an Artist’s book. Many things are too painful to talk about, or they seem too small or too big to mention. I have seen how the visual language opens up for communication and contemplation.In some groups, the drawing process works as a tool to break down prejudice and racism by learning about each other’s home, family and interests the visual way. It also seems to give some kind of comfort to learn that you are not alone in feeling lost, and that you are not alone having your mind full of horrible memories.Usually I can’t make long term plans. The situation for the youth is unpredictable: They may be moved to another reception center, they are too busy dealing with their application, or they simply don’t turn up, as they are sleeping or playing around like any youth. Participation is therefore also unpredictable. I can’t rely on the same participants coming every week, so I focus on making each workshop a good moment for those who show up.We usually end a period of drawing workshops with an exhibition. This time we set up an exhibition at the center and at the local public library.Photos from exhibitions at Hvalstad reception center and at Asker public library54

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