Page 8 - MY Book - My Voice
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IntroductionMy Book, My Voice art project is a series of workshops that have been carried out among refugees in Nor- way and Lebanon since 2014. For many years, I have been searching for a method that combines my own interest in drawing with social engagement. This report is a description of the project, methods and goals.I am a visual artist based in Norway. My passion is drawing, and I draw what I see and experience around me. I graduated from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 1992. I have supplementary education in teaching from 2011–13. Since graduating from art school, I have been working in di erent mediums, like textile art, graphic techniques and Artist books. I have also carried out several art commissions in pub- lic spaces.I have in my art practice and teaching developed methods for joint drawing-projects and drawing-proj- ects in community work as a tool for social change and individual expression. I enjoy the shared moments of discovery, recognition and the joy of creating that sometimes occur in a workshop. I seek to develop projects that are interesting both for myself as an artist and for the participants.In 2004, FORUM for Culture and International Cooperation (Forum) was established with the aim of o ering activities, training and experiences in visual art, music and literature to traumatized children and youth in deprived areas. I am board director of Forum and involved in running the foundations culture projects in Lebanon. Some years ago, I started to plan for art workshops for refugees in Norway as well. I considered the experience from Lebanon and other countries as useful in meeting asylum seekers in Nor- way, and the project is now running in both countries. Through Forum’s long-lasting culture projects in Lebanon, we learned that many people living in di cult situations  nd great comfort and stress release in being able to express themselves visually. Sharing thoughts and experiences in a safe and inspiring envi- ronment can help retain hope.Through the My Book, My Voice-project, I have met many strong and inspiring people, participants and sta , working in local communities and institutions. Many of the people I meet through my work are in di cult life situations or they live in marginalized communities. It is inspiring to see how people mo- bilize their strengths and capacities to cope with their di culties. I have met social workers who makea great e ort and work tirelessly to empower families to deal with their challenges. People who do their best to support their family, help their children, improve their living conditions, and retain hope with small means. Others deal with traumas and loss and manage to mobilize their strength to start new lives in a new country.In this report, I will take a closer look at the stories of some of these individuals I have met through the project, and I will give examples from some of the workshops, of meetings with individuals, and of draw- ings and texts made by the participants, both in Lebanon and Norway.In Lebanon, the project is part of the cultural project run by Forum. The project in Lebanon has been  - nanced by Forum and the Norwegian aid organization Norwac. Partners in Lebanon are the NGOs Beit Atfal Assomoud, working in the Palestinian camps, and Maarouf Saad Social and Cultural Foundation6

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