FORUM for Culture and International Cooperation


Beit Atfal Assomoud bygde i 2003/2004 et nytt senter i Rashedieh. Senteret er en bygning på tre etasjer og rommer bl.a. barnehage, bibliotek, rom for voksenopplæring og en teatersal.

Den norske billedkunstneren Sophie Rodin har jobbet med kunstnerisk utsmykking av senteret, både innvendig og utvendig. Den innvendige utsmykkingen består av gulvmosaikker i teatersalen og sto ferdig til senterets åpning 4. juni 2004. Ulike typer stein fra Norge og Libanon er skåret ut etter Sophie Rodins tegninger og felt ned i gulvets terrazzofliser. Veggene er malt lyse, mens dørene i etasjen er malt i forskjellige sterke, klare farger.

Andre del av utsmykkingen er et utvendig muralt arbeid på en 2 meter høy og 60 meter lang mur, som ble malt med akrylmaling i flere lag. I utsmykkingen har kunstneren lagt vekt på store, enkle former og motiver: en båt, en vogn med et purpurskjell på, en fisk og en delfin. Hun har jobbet med å skape fargesterke flater, kontraster i både form og farge og energi og glede i uttrykket. Den utvendige utsmykkingen er støttet økonomisk av UD via de norske kunstnerorganisasjonene Norske Kunsthåndverkere og OCA, Office for Contemporary Art, Norway.

Omgivelsene i flyktningleiren rundt senteret er grå og fargeløse, fattige og nedslitte. Den malte muren gjør en forskjell i dette miljøet; den har vakt nysgjerrighet og fått stor oppmerksomhet. Arbeidet tjener som et eksempel på hva kunst kan være, og har virket inspirerende i det videre arbeidet med tegne- og male-workshops for barn og unge i leiren.

FORUM arranges workshops in visual art for children and youth several times a year. The purpose of the workshops is for the children to explore the many possible forms of expression offered in the visual language, to develop their creativity and creative enthusiasm, and to acquire skills. Through demonstrations, examples from fine art, design and handicraft from different cultures around the world, the children are given models and new impulses. A secure environment with emphasis on the creative process offers the children positive experiences as a basis for further work in the field.

At the same time, the workshops function as a training ground for leaders and volunteers who assist and work with the children on a daily basis.

In several camps there are weekly activities where children and young adults draw, paint or are engaged in other arts and crafts activities. Regular exchange and cooperation between FORUM and the local teachers also contributes to the development of the project and skill acquirements of the local art teachers.

In 2003/2004 Beit Atal Assomoud built a new centre in Raschediyeh. The centre is a 3 story building containing among other things a kindergarten, library, rooms for adult education and a theatre hall.

The artistic decoration of the centre, both inside and outside, is the work of the Norwegian fine artist Sophie Rodin. The interior decoration consists of floor mosaic work in the theatre hall, a work that was completed at the official opening of the centre on June 4th. 2004. Different types of stones from Norway and Lebanon have been cut in accordance with Sophie Rodin's drawings and embedded in the terrazzo files of the floor. The walls are painted in a light colour, whilst the doors on this floor are painted in various strong and bright colours.

The second part of the decoration is an exterior mural on a 60 meter stretch of concrete wall surrounding the centre. The artist has chosen large, simple forms and motives: a boat, a wagon carrying a murex shell, a fish and a dolphin. She has strived to create strongly coloured expanses, contrasts in both forms and colours, and an expression radiating energy and joy. The exterior decoration has been supported financially by the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs through the Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (NK) and the Office for Contemporary Art, Norway.

The centre's surroundings are bleak and colourless, poor and worn down. The painted wall makes a difference in this environment; it has evoked curiosity and received much attention. The work serves as an example of what art can be, and has also been an inspiration for the drawing- and painting-workshops with the children and youth in the camp.

Forum for kultur og internasjonalt samarbeid
Postadresse: Drengsrudveien 44 A, 1383 Asker 987 174 005   
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