Card image cap Beit Atfal Assomoud center
Musikk er et fast opplæringstilbud til barn og unge i den palestinske flyktningleiren Rashedieh i Sør-Libanon. Norske musikkpedagoger holder workshops 5‒6 ganger årlig. Det arbeides med skolering av lokale musikere og motivering/opplæring av ungdom som vil kunne ta over under-visningen.

Undervisningen baserer seg på demonstrasjon og presentasjon av musikk, metoder og instrumenter fra mange forskjellige kulturer og fokus på musikk-aktiviteter som først og fremst har sosiale og læringsfremmende kvaliteter. Lek, trygghet, glede, mestring og samspill er sentrale elementer i arbeidet. Tradisjonell arabisk dans og musikk har også stor plass i den ukentlige aktiviteten, som ivaretas av de lokale musikerne.

Aktivitetene i Rashedieh er et forbilde for andre palestinske flyktningleirer i Libanon, og leiren er et ressurssenter for opprettelse av musikkopplæringstilbud flere steder. I leirene Beddawi og Nahr el-Bared i nord drives opplæringen/musikkaktiviteten av lokale palestinske og libanesiske lærere.
Flere skoler og organisasjoner i Libanon ser med stor interesse på denne undervisningsaktiviteten og ønsker å etablere lignende prosjekter.


FORUM arranges workshops in visual art for children and youth several times a year. The purpose of the workshops is for the children to explore the many possible forms of expression offered in the visual language, to develop their creativity and creative enthusiasm, and to acquire skills. Through demonstrations, examples from fine art, design and handicraft from different cultures around the world, the children are given models and new impulses. A secure environment with emphasis on the creative process offers the children positive experiences as a basis for further work in the field.

At the same time, the workshops function as a training ground for leaders and volunteers who assist and work with the children on a daily basis.

In several camps there are weekly activities where children and young adults draw, paint or are engaged in other arts and crafts activities. Regular exchange and cooperation between FORUM and the local teachers also contributes to the development of the project and skill acquirements of the local art teachers.S
Training in music is offered on a regular basis to children and youth in the Palestinian refugee camp Raschediyeh in Southern Lebanon. Norwegian music educationalists arrange workshops 5‒6 times a year.  Training of local musicians and motivating/training youth to assume responsibility for the teaching is emphasised.

The teaching is based on demonstration and presentation of music, methods and instruments from different cultures, and focuses on music activities with social and learning-inducing qualities. Play, comfort, joy, mastering and ensambling are central elements in this work. Traditional Arabic dance and music has an important position in the weekly activities, being taken care of by the local musicians.

The activities in Raschediyeh is a model for other Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, and the camp acts as a resource centre for establishing music education several places. In camps up north, music teaching and activities are run by local Palestinian and Lebanese teachers.

Forum for kultur og internasjonalt samarbeid
Postadresse: Drengsrudveien 44 A, 1383 Asker 987 174 005   
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